Peterson Ag service is happy to pair with Growers Edge to provide customers with soil sampling and data management!

About Us

It's our goal at Grower's Edge to provide local, unbiased, customizable crop production recommendations. Our services are intended to be conformed to your operation's needs. We look forward to helping you reach your full yield potential.

Fall Services

Soil Sampling - We have the ability to customize points that make the most sense for your field. Utilize past yield history, soil types, or management zones to create your own sampling grid. Results come with a complete set of fertility recommendations tailored to your operation.

Veris Mapping - Needing to fine tune your management zones? Use the EC and OM sensors to devise management zones, set sampling points, creatw variable rate seeding prescriptions, ans better manage nitrogen applications. The sensors willn detect areas that normal 2.5 acre grid sampling would miss.

Yield Mapping Fertility Recommendations - Have your nutrient values built to critical levels or higher? Put your technology to work. Utilize the data you collected  throughout harvest to replace exactly what you removed. We can post calibrate the data to scale receipts to confirm accurate yields for your recommendations.

Other services

Variable Rate Seeding Recommendations - No cookie cutter solution here. Sit down with us as we explore all layers of data to create perfect zones and rates for your fields.

Variable Rate Nitrogen Recommendations - Put your veris data to work by utilizing zons where denitrification is most likely to occur. Rates can all be influenced by planting population, OM, and CEC.

Variable Rate Micro Nutrients Recommendations - Yes, even micros can be variable rated. Sulfur deficiencies are showing up more now than ever before. Include a VRT AMS application as part of your nitrogen management plan. 

In-season Field Scouting - From insects to diseases and weed management, there are many ways to lose yield. Our field scouting program can help detect issues and allow you to be more efficient with in-season applications. Tissue sampling and PSNT can be included.

Profit Mapping - With so many inputs being variable rated, site specific cost can be hard to determine. Our GIS system can map income and expense, and give you a profit loss breakdown on any portion of your field.

Data Analytics - Receive a complete analysis of all application data you can provide. Examples include: Multi-year yield analysis, Yield by Hybrid, Yield by Population, Yield by Soil Type, Yield by Soil Test Values, Yield by Management Zones, Yield by VRT Applications, Yield by Trials Conducted.

Bryan Inskeep

(219) 869-0986